History of Government Jobs सरकारी नौकरी का इतिहास?

History of Government Jobs आज हम इस पोस्ट के माद्यम से इतिहास के बारे में जानेगे 

The majority of Indian students at one point of time of their life had dreamt of acquiring a government job. Middle-class aspirants, their family members, and everybody think that government jobs can only uplift their life. Since government jobs are decreasing day by day because of various factors, 

the craze of being a government servant has not decreased a bit, in fact, these days if we look at the numbers of students applying for competitive exams it seems the craze has increased.

History of Government Jobs आज हम इस पोस्ट के माद्यम से इतिहास के बारे में जानेगे

Why do so many people want to do government jobs?

  • Why is there so much of a craze when the government is clearly trying to encourage start-ups and private businesses?
  • What is the future of government jobs? What are the current trends saying about upcoming jobs?
  • Should people invest so much time in preparation for competitive exams?
  • These are the questions which we will try to discuss in this article.

Historical Significance of Government Jobs

The craze about government jobs is nothing new, it goes back a long time ago. At the time of British rule in India, the likelihood of government jobs increased. However it would be wrong to say that before the British rule, there was no desire to work for the government or king at that time, but the influence of government jobs 

seeking increased significantly under British rule this is a truth. The thing is at the time of colonial rule in India there was only one primary sector under which one can get employed. Either one can do agriculture or any kind of raw material manufacturing or else can work for the British government. The majority of people did agriculture at that time. That was the main source of income. This is true even now for our country as agriculture is the main and primary sector for employment for most people even now.

But at that time things were very different.  Doing Agriculture was very tough; irrigation was solely dependent on rain as no other sources of irrigation were present. Productivity was very low and hard labour was required to sustain. After that, the harsh policies of the government of that time broke the neck of farming in India.

People started to look for alternative ways to earn their livelihood so one of the options was to work for the government. British government jobs were very charming at that time. They offer job security and decent pay compared to the other jobs present at that time. People started to look at them as a medium to alleviate their life.

This colonial legacy is still prevalent now as most people look up to government jobs in the same way now. Many people, however, also left their government jobs when the time came for revolution and independence struggle because the feeling of nationalism was very strong at that time. This is a completely different aspect of the topic but we will stick to the history of government jobs.

Government Jobs after the British Era

After the fall of Britain and India's independence, we were very inspired by the Russian socialist model so there was a government monopoly on various sectors of jobs. Slowly the private sector rose and factories/industries started blooming in the country. After independence industrial setups were very slow. It can be because of the following reasons.

1.    Government monopoly:- Government was doing most of the work so there was less scope for industry setups by a private partnership. Only the manufacturing industry had some positive growth which was good but not enough. In agriculture or primary sectors, we were doing well.

2. fewer Institutions:- Today we can find graduates in every house and engineers in every other house but things were not the same back then.  There were fewer educational institutions to provide degrees so less number of students got educated and fewer private jobs were searched for. This resulted in more people doing agriculture.

3. Less skilled labour:- Back then skilled labourers were very few and it was difficult to find skilled wages in India. As a consequence people started to acquire only specific skills necessary for government jobs which were little easy back then because of the rapid expansion of government-controlled sectors.

Recent History of Government Jobs.

In the 1990s things started changing for government sectors with the collapse of the USSR and the rapid and monstrous growth of the USA.  The world with India started to realise that closed markets are not a good thing for the national economy and especially in a country like India which is highly populated and has immense diversity.

We realised that if the government does too much control over a specific sector inefficiency arises. We started to make our policies more liberal and open toward private players and foreign investments. We go towards privatisation and globalisation. Government monopoly was toward the end and the private players were jumping into each and every sector. 

An example of this is BSNL. BSNL is a government telecom company which had a monopoly for several years in the market just because no private players were involved in the competition.

With the Liberalization when private companies started doing their business, the competitiveness increased and BSNL did not change its policy according to the market and time resulting in the doom of the company. 

The customers got good service for their money but the government employees of BSNL had to suffer a heavy loss as the company did not generate enough money to pay its employees.

Future trends of Government Jobs.

As more and more privatisation is being done for companies. The future of government sector jobs is not looking so bright in the upcoming days. We are seeing fewer and fewer jobs being released every year because of many factors such as computerization, automation, privatization etc.

So in recent times according to the statistics, the number of government vacancies will reduce but the private sector will be on the boom in upcoming years.

People should plan their future according to that so that wasting of time and resources can be prevented and the right effort in the right direction can be made to help in nation building.

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