What is Artificial Intelligence Read More Full Details?

What is Artificial Intelligence आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस क्या है

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been with us for a long time. From movies, and science fiction novels to our day-to-day life and business by multinational companies it has spread in all dimensions of life. Today we are surrounded by artificial intelligence. If we want to watch videos online or shop, do banking, or just want to relax while listening to music, artificial intelligence has touched all spheres of our life. What advertisement should be shown to us?

Which items should be recommended to potential customers is all decided by artificial intelligence nowadays.

What is Artificial Intelligence आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस क्या है

So what is Artificial Intelligence?

Without going into the technicalities of artificial intelligence,  it can be defined in simple words as it is the ability to learn from a computer program on its own and do tasks without prior instructions given.

Artificial intelligence consists of various components like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Traditional models, etc.

What is the Present of AI

Artificial intelligence is no doubt thriving and each day there is a new breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In the last decade itself, there has been tremendous growth in the field of AI. Now facial recognition, thumb impression recognition, and many more of these kinds of high-end technology are in everybody's hands on their mobile. Some time ago even thinking about these kinds of technologies was not possible.

Also, it is getting cheaper and faster with each passing day. AI is now governing major aspects of life. It is highly used in the business, marketing, and advertisement industries. In the science and research sector, the possibilities of AI are unimaginably immense. Scientists are capable of calculating more and more complex equations and run highly sophisticated simulations now. It all has been possible only because of the rapid development of artificial intelligence.

But has artificial intelligence been achieved?

Can we say that the computers that we have today are so intelligent that they can think of their own?

We have come a long way on this path but we are very far away from reaching the point where we can say we achieved real artificial intelligence. Computers now can learn something on their own which is the definition of AI but making a logical and rational decision based on circumstances like humans is a dream even now. A.I. is like a newborn baby now.

It is learning fast but can not survive alone. If we compare today's artificial intelligence with the human brain it has no match at all. Of Course, computers have much more computing power than humans. They can calculate and perform a specific task much faster than humans but that does not make them

intelligent. In Fact, computers are made to ease our job and do our work faster in the first place. Artificial intelligence on the other hand is theorized to think, learn and take necessary decisions on their own without prior information given to them.

Future of Artificial Intelligence

We have seen the presence of AI. What about the future? With the ever-increasing growing pace of artificial intelligence, it is not very tough to predetermine the future of AI. Engineers and thinkers have been thinking about this for a long time.

Many thinkers have said that if we can make a true machine that is as intelligent as humans, then our species will be in doom because human-like intelligence with the combination of computing powers of a supercomputer will easily overpower us. Many books, novels, and movies are already made on this

concept. Computers with a little bit of artificial intelligence have very easily defeated the great minds of humans in chess and several other video games. Some other thinkers and scientists do not agree with this and think they will not harm humans because a computer will only do those tasks which are asked or instructed to them. Some are very optimistic about AI and see no potential threats or dangers from them.

In the upcoming days and years, we are about to see the great impact of artificial intelligence in the majority of sectors. Let's discuss all these sectors and how AI will impact these sectors one by one.

     Automobile sector:- We have seen that many companies are manufacturing self-driving vehicles. No driver will be needed to drive the car. However, this technology is limited to only some countries now but in upcoming years we can see the vastly growing demand and supply for this sector.

     Factories:-  Nowadays laborers and daily wagers are required less and less even if the manufacturing products are getting more and more. It has been possible because laborers are replaced by robots. It has tremendously reduced the risks of accidents and human error and makes the work very easy and fast. However, unemployment arises because of this another topic of debate.

     Education:-  Education is and will be going to be impacted in the most crucial way because of AI. Due to the recent covid outbreak, most educational institutions got online. New innovations are coming every day to make the education sector more effective. Recently a big AI company has announced that they are trying to make a program that can read the facial gestures of students and assist the teacher to know whether students understand the topic or not.

     Healthcare:-  We know that AI can be used to collect and simplify huge chunks of data more easily and can help us organize it more effectively. Diagnosis of the disease of a particular patient will become easier with the help of AI technology because it can collect and make sense of all of a patient's medical history and prescriptions that he has ever taken.

Artificial intelligence has its own pros and cons. It may not be the solution to each and every problem but it surely can make lots of our problems easy and assist us in various tasks that look very difficult now.

We should reduce our dependence on computers and robots but we can hope for the best and be optimistic about the future because we are going in the right direction.

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