New Technology In Agriculture In India 2023?

New Technology In Agriculture In India

As we all know agriculture is a daily feedings source for the 70%population in India, and we also know that land is degrading day by day which it becomes challenging for us ( farmers ) to feed the population, hence looking at all these conditions there is much technology are introduced by scientists by which farming become easy and helps in growing food without soil. There is some  technology introduced by scientists some of them are given below:

New Technology In Agriculture In India

Vertical farming: It is a new concept in the field of agriculture, in this type of farming we will grow plants without contact with soil, it has three technologies.

  •  Hydroponics
  • Aquaponics
  • Aeroponics

The word hydroponics consists of two words hydro means water and phonics mean culture, which means we will grow the plant with the help of water we will provide all the essential nutrients to the plants in liquid form. If there are many requirements for the soil's medium then we will use a cockpit that is beneficial to plants.

Aquaponics technology refers to we will grow plants with the help of aquarium water basically we use the water in which fishes are lived, fishes release waste products in the water, and the waste products of fishes are rich in nitrogen content which is beneficial for the plants by which the growth of plants get enhanced.

Aeroponics is defined as in this system neither we use water nor not soil we use the medium air by which we will grow the plant. In this system weaken a chamber in plant potting space is left alternative to each other in which we grow the plant we exert the air outside  and which reaches the plants in the form of droplets  moisture is maintained all the time and plants grow faster with this technology

Radiofrequency identification.

This technology is used for capturing information with the help of radio waves. Similarly, work on a barcode system but it works more effectively than that system, even it can scan the information in dirt and dust or it can be reprogrammed or it can also holds data up to 2kB which includes the information of field area, location, date, time.

Laser scar Crows:

Since when agriculture begins there's always been a fight between farmers and birds will destroy 78% of grain within 48 hours after harvesting, for overcoming this problem follow traditional ways like they will put statutes in the field and beating utensils to protect their crops. 

but it doesn't work efficiently, recently a scientist released a new technology which is called laser scarecrows in this technology their a laser light which is invisible to humans in sunlight, with the help of that light the machine target birds within 600 meters by which crop saved up to 50% from the loss which is created by birds.

As birds also act as natural enemies to the insect but they also destroy crops by making a nest and giving birth to their babies hence the population increases and they need to eat and they feed from the field hence the yield got deteriorated and decrease to overcome this problem we induced this new technology.

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