Grain Storage System: 2023?

Grain Storage System: 2023?

Grain Storage System The grain storage system refers to the storing of grain for future use. It was first started in Egypt, where there is a scarcity of food occurred, and then there storage of grain is started at that time the motive for storage of grain is only to feed the population during the feminine period or fulfil the scarcity of food. Slowly slowly it spread all over the world almost.

Farmers of the world start storing grain. after slowly farmers come to know the other benefits of grain storage .grain is done by two methods one is the traditional method and the other one is the modern method. 

In India the traditional method is followed by a lot of farmers because sometimes the modern storage method is too expensive for them that's why they did prefer it. The description of this method is as follows :

Grain Storage System: 2023?

 The traditional method of storage:

The traditional method of storage refers to the storage of the grain done by using traditional things or the traditional way means no extra expenditure on storage bins .there are several methods which people use to store their grain

 Bamboo box:

A special species of bamboo plant on which insect pest doesn't attack is preferred to make the boxes, these boxes are made by cutting the bamboo from the middle, in these boxes grain is safe no outer calamity harm the grain. Box size will be decided according to the storage maximumly we can store grain up to 3quiatnls into these boxes.


These are very old bins which people use to store their grain these are cylindrical in shape and made up of mud have one hole at the lower part and one broad hole at the upper. A part from where we put the grain for storage in the bin in these bins no extra expenditure is required and on the walls of theses we put the straw to avoid the moisture from the outer surrounding still we can save our grain upto 2to 3 years in this bind and we can also put grain around 4 quintals.

 Drums :

Iron drums are also used for grain storage, people Clean the drum and paint them to avoid the entry of insects and put the grain into it, close the drum either any steel utensils plate-like anything or any plastic bag and sometimes straw is also used to cover the drum but I.

 These drums' insect deteriorates grain on large scale and moisture also gives rise to many fungal and bacterial infection in the grain.

Open storage:. This  was the first method which is used by the people where people are used to store their grain only they leave them in any room or at any place openly here grain deterioration is on large scale there is a large attack' of insects and pests and also bacterial and fungal infection occurs The grain.

Modern storage method:

In this method, we modern techniques to store the grain for the storage of grain we need to store it up to moisture content and take off environmental factors near the storage areas so we different technologies. some of the modern storage methods are given below.

Silos :

These are cylindrical in shape and have g one hole at the upper side and one at the lower part they are mostly made up of either aluminium or steel and sometimes also made up of iron. mostly made up of aluminium because it works as I sect resistance on aluminium insects not occur usually.

Automatic silos :

These are also the same in shape as the normal silos but they have extra features like the temperature it haves the thermometer and similarly other gadgets for humidity, moisture control etc. 

as we know that for the maintenance of grain, there are many things that are required so all these parameters are easily maintained with the help of these gadgets and the market value of the grain remains maintained. 

and quality of the grain is also maintained by storing the grain we can earn more money because we are able to sell the products during the off-season in this way we get extra money which helps in improving the farmer's income.

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